Domino’s and Upside: Using technology to power their businesses

Learn how Upside helped Team Washington Domino's repurpose their marketing dollars, increase customer loyalty, and prove incremental profit.

The Upside Team

The Upside Team

April 14, 2023
Domino’s and Upside: Using technology to power their businesses
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Domino’s and Upside: Using technology to power their businesses

With technology playing an increasingly important role in the modern business landscape, it’s more important than ever for companies to understand how they can leverage it to stay ahead of the competition. By partnering with Upside, the Team Washington Domino’s was able to repurpose their marketing dollars to other initiatives, increase customer loyalty to their locations, and prove (and track) incremental profit. Below, we speak with Lauren Kibler, Director of Marketing & Development for Team Washington’s Domino’s team about the benefits they’ve seen with Upside. 

Since summer 2022, Team Washington’s partnership with Upside has driven:

  • $178K total sales, with $163K proven incremental sales
  • $78K proven incremental profit
  • 73% ROI

Upside: Why was Upside the right choice for Team Washington?

Team Washington: After learning exactly how Upside worked, we knew that it was worth trying. We are open to testing new partnerships, especially ones that do not require long commitments. It was very clear from the start that we were only paying for when customers were answering the call to action. This unique model really pushed us to give Upside a shot.

Upside: When did you start to feel the benefits of Upside? 

Team Washington: We didn’t feel any immediate effect, and maybe that is another reason we love Upside. Like so many other companies we are feeling the strain of worker shortages. When Upside came to us, I was pushing all our marketing dollars into recruiting. So while Upside promised more sales, it assured us we wouldn’t be overwhelmed with new customers. 

We are seeing new customers and seeing customers return more often. It took two months or so, but we could see (and thankfully, track) the difference in customer frequency and spending from before and after Upside.

Upside: What challenges are you facing in your market?

Team Washington: Our ad space in this market is very saturated. We are constantly competing for everything from people (recruitment) to customers. The amount of exposure that might cost another DMA $100 in digital advertising will cost us at least double. The digital advertising space here is very loud. When new things develop, they often start in our market. This can be great because sometimes we can be early adopters, but it can hurt us as well. 

We were lucky that Upside started in our market and we were able to take advantage and give them a try early on.

Upside: What are you excited about for 2023? 

Team Washington: I appreciate that I can make a request for what our company wants and to make our Upside partnership better and Upside answers with a test or by reaching out to their development team. 

We hope that 2023 will be a year of incredible order count growth for Team Washington. We feel confident that Upside can give us a hand with that goal.

The partnership between Domino's and Upside has been a great example of how businesses can use technology to drive growth and improve their operations. By leveraging the Upside platform, Domino's was able to streamline their processes, boost efficiency, and increase their bottom line. This partnership serves as a testament to the power of technology in the business world and how it can be used to drive success.

Domino’s and Upside: Using technology to power their businesses

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