Creating profitable restaurant experiences: The future of Upside for restaurants

How Upside revolutionizes the restaurant industry with personalized dining experiences, bridging the gap between online and offline interactions to enhance customer loyalty and boost profitability

The Upside Team

The Upside Team

February 28, 2022
Creating profitable restaurant experiences: The future of Upside for restaurants
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Creating profitable restaurant experiences: The future of Upside for restaurants

In the rapidly evolving world of the restaurant industry, staying competitive is more challenging than ever. Between shifting consumer habits and the ever-present need for personalization, how can restaurant retailers keep up? Enter Upside—a transformative solution that combines personalization with profitability. This article digs into how Upside is revolutionizing the restaurant industry and what it means for your business.

The challenges of a hybrid restaurant experience

Today’s customers want a hybrid restaurant experience that beautifully blends both online and offline elements, delivering exceptional value. Unfortunately, many restaurants fall short of this ideal due to resource constraints and market challenges.

Currently, restaurants employing interactive technologies resort to customer segmentation to predict the incentives that will spur each group to spend more. They launch a campaign, gauge its performance using limited data, and often find themselves in a predicament. Why? Because their emphasis on top-line metrics like clicks, sign-ups, or transaction growth neglects the fuller, bottom-line picture. The true cost of acquiring new customers, along with the long-term effectiveness of the campaign in driving customer behavior, often slips under the radar. This situation brings us a sobering realization: most restaurants lose money on segmented (not personalized) campaigns.

The good news? A more personalized and profitable future for restaurants is here, and it's powered by Upside.

Understanding personalization in the restaurant landscape

Personalization in the restaurant industry means creating a deeper, more meaningful customer relationship that enhances customer spending. Online businesses have long harnessed the power of personalization, tailoring ads, webpage layouts, and discounts based on individual preferences and past behavior. The benefit? Improved profitability for businesses and better experiences for customers.

Until recently, creating truly personalized experiences, such as those offered by Amazon, seemed a pipe dream for brick-and-mortar commerce. However, brick-and-mortar restaurants can now compete effectively thanks to shifts in consumer behavior. The facilitator of this change? Upside.

The power of personalization: Profitable restaurant experiences with Upside

Upside empowers restaurants to bridge the online-offline gap, achieving a level of personalization that enhances customer experience while boosting profitability. How does this work in practice? By interacting with customers on their phones, and using anonymized transaction logs to learn about each customer's past restaurant behavior. This knowledge informs dynamic, margin-bound, transaction-level promotions that motivate customers to dine more often or try a restaurant for the first time.

Here's the impact for restaurants partnering with Upside:

  • 2.1x increase in customer visits per month
  • 2.3x rise in customer spending
  • An impressive 63% average return on investment

Moving from total ticket to item-level personalization 

Traditional item-level promotions often erode profit, as restaurants tend to offer discounts on menu items that customers would happily pay full price for. Instead, Upside proposes dynamically-priced item-level offers, calculated to motivate specific customers to purchase, thereby maximizing profits.

In the near future, Upside's machine-learning platform will dynamically identify the right experiences and incentives at the precise moment each individual customer needs them, and deliver them through the restaurant's owned communication channels, such as their app, website, and email.

What Does This Look Like In Practice?

In practice, this looks like knowing Jamie always orders protein, and directing him toward higher-margin meat items. This allows Jamie to try new things at a more favorable price, in a way that supports the restaurant's bottom line. 

This is a novel strategy to maximize loyalty and customer retention, and would be a true differentiator for restaurants.

From personalized promotions to profitable experiences

Upside's vision for the future extends personalization beyond promotions, fostering deeper customer relationships. This could mean introducing customers to new menu items, alerting the manager to a first-time visitor, or offering personalized in-store experiences. The result is not only increased customer loyalty and retention, but also a distinctive competitive edge in today's cut-throat restaurant landscape.

Embrace the Future of Restaurants with Upside: The future of restaurants lies in the blend of online engagement and in-store personalization. Upside is paving the way for this evolution, crafting experiences that make happy customers and enhance profitability.

Learn more about what Upside can do for your restaurant business.

Creating profitable restaurant experiences: The future of Upside for restaurants

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